Deco Hairdressing

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Deco Hairdressing. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment, beauty salon and hair care. You can find Deco Hairdressing at 376 Bay Street, Brighton, Victoria 3186.


Postal address:
376 Bay Street, Brighton, Victoria 3186
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Phone number:
+61 3 9596 1799

Official website:

Establishment   Beauty salon   Hair care  

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Opening times

We do not have information about the time of work.

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Reviews about Deco Hairdressing

  • Glenda
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    My poor 87 year old mother went into this salon to have her hair done for my father's funeral on the next day. She had her hair washed and dried and was charged $95. She was upset with the dreadful work so went home and did it again herself. Upon hearing this I approached the salon manager who said that they had cut her hair. Well, I don't know which hair was cut but it certainly wasn't on my mother's head. They told me that I wasn't there so I wouldn't know. I then returned with the friend that accompanied my mother to her appointment and who verified that no scissors were produced and no hair was cut. The manager said "so you are going embarrass yourself over $45!!!!!! I'm not embarrassed, I'm disgusted that they would rip off a pensioner. They told our witness that she wouldn't have seen what was happening as she was too busy drinking 'their' coffee. Can you believe it? They shouldn't have offered her coffee if they didnt want her to drink it. They didn't offer my mother a coffee for her $95 wash and dry! My poor sad mum denies that her hair was cut so wouldn't you think she'd know????? Don't bother stepping foot inside this dreadful salon and handing over your hard earned money to receive a shoddy hair makeover from these horrible scammers.
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